Increasing transparency and trust in preprints: Steps journals can take

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In recent years, posting research to preprint servers has become an increasingly popular practice across academic disciplines. Preprints enable scholars to stake their claim to research findings and more rapidly generate feedback and impacts. But with the benefits of preprints come challenges, mainly around determining the trustworthiness of unpublished works. How can scholars and the general public (especially the mainstream media) more easily distinguish quality preprints from questionable ones?

In this panel-style webinar, speakers discuss ways journals are bringing preprints into the publishing process to help distinguish unvetted papers from peer-reviewed ones, including:

  • Making preprints part of the peer-review process to increase review transparency
  • Publishing overlay journals that encompass peer-reviewed preprints
  • Using preprints as a venue to make final research data and methods more visible

This webinar features the following panelists:

Pippa Smart

President and founder

PSP Consulting

Peter Coles

Editor in Chief

The Open Journal of Astrophysics

Michele Avissar-Whiting

Editor in Chief

Research Square

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